Physical Education Class Syllabus and Student Agreement

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New Glarus High School Physical Education
Guidelines and Student Agreement

To improve the health and fitness levels of all students by incorporating a new paradigm of health and physical education experiences.  These experiences are focused on developing and promoting physical activity, fitness, nutrition and cooperative social behavior.  They will be delivered through an evidence-based curriculum that will foster lifelong healthy lifestyles.

Grades will be determined on a total point basis.  These points will be earned through activity engagement, unit quizzes, and fitness assessment.   

You will be given 1 point for every 5 minutes you are engaged in activity, discussion, instruction, etc..  For 62 minute classes you will have 4 minutes to change at the beginning of class and 8 minutes to change at the end of class.  You will have 50 minutes of class time to receive a total of 10 points. 

Appropriate physical education clothes must include a full-length shirt (no cut-off sleeves) and sport shorts or sweatpants. A sweatshirt and sweatpants are recommended for outdoor activities. For hygiene purposes, “activity clothes” cannot be the same as the clothes that were worn to school. Soft soled, non-marking athletic shoes with support for activity and tied laces are required to avoid ankle sprain.
-          All pants/shorts must be worn with the waistband at or above the hips with no undergarments showing.
-          If a student does not have appropriate activity attire OR does not wear them appropriately, he/she will not be allowed to engage in the day’s activities and all points will be forfeited.

Fitness Testing
The ultimate goal in Physical Education is to achieve and maintain a healthy fitness level.  With this goal in mind, it is imperative that students participate in fitness testing to assess fitness levels at the beginning and end of each term.  We use the Fitnessgram health-related fitness assessment which uses criterion-referenced standards, called Healthy Fitness Zones, to determine students' fitness levels based on what is optimal for good health.  The students will be graded on their ability to achieve the Healthy Fitness Zone for EACH of the following Heath-Related-Fitness Components (Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, and Cardiovascular Endurance.  The Final Fitness Assessment will add up to 30% of a student’s final grade and MUST be completed to pass the class.

Fitness Opportunities
Students will receive opportunities to improve fitness for each Health-Related-Fitness Component everyday in class.  Students are also expected to continue that improvement outside of class with further engagement in fitness activities along with healthy behavior and nutritional choices.

At the end of some units, a comprehensive quiz may be given to assess student knowledge.  Notice will be given and a brief review may occur ahead of time.  Depending on the unit, a study guide may be provided.

Daily attendance in class is required.  Unexcused tardiness will be reported to the office.  Failure to show up for class will result in a loss of points for the day.  Students may make up work at any time during the quarter. It is highly recommended that any absence be made up. Allowed make-ups are limited to 25% of a quarter (exceptions will be considered).
-          Make-ups will not be accepted after the last day of classes (not exams).
-          Each student is allowed THREE school-related absences per semester, provided a preplanned absence form was signed prior to the day of the absence.  This will not result in a loss of points.
-          You will have the opportunity to make up THREE missed classes per quarter by exercising with a family member OR participating in an organized sport practice or game. You will need to obtain a form from a physical education teacher to do this.  Forms can be found on the bulletin board outside of the gym AND online on the physical education teacher’s school website.
-          You will also be allowed to make up days in the Weight Room.  See details below.

Procedure for making up a class
1)      Check in with the teacher or coach supervising the make-up time.
2)      Change your clothes & report to the fitness center/weight room.
3)      Complete the make-up & get the make-up form signed and dated by the supervisor.
4)      Turn the completed form in to your teacher before the end of the term.

Rules for make-ups:
1)      Must check in with a PE teacher, who will tell you what dates are available for a make-up at least one day before you plan to make-up a class.
2)      Must change your clothes.
3)      Substitute teachers cannot sign a make-up form.
4)      Make-ups must be done at the high school.
5)      Acceptable make-ups include a minimum of: 
62 Minute Class
30 minute jog on the treadmill at level 4.5
15 miles on the recumbent bike
50 minutes of weightlifting (only if approved by your teacher)
6)      If weight room supervisor does not approve the make-up, no points will be given.

Medical Policy: Communication from a parent/guardian is expected if a student is unable to participate on a given day and would like to make up the missed class with an alternate activity. If you are unable to participate for 3 consecutive class periods, a medical note will be expected.  The medical note must include limitations and expected date of return to class. An attempt will be made to accommodate students with medical situations.

All students are expected to respect the teacher, equipment, fellow classmates and themselves.  ABSOLUTELY NO FOUL LANGUAGE OR HARRASSMENT WILL BE TOLERATED!!! Any student found to disobey these rules will receive an office referral.

If there is something you would like me to secure for you during class I am happy to do so. There are thefts which take place in NGHS, especially in the locker rooms. Locker rooms are only to be used when you are in class. LOCK YOUR VALUABLES!! BE RESPONSIBLE!!!

It is your responsibility to secure your belongings. You are provided a lock at the beginning of the term.  Once you receive the lock, you are responsible for replacement if Lost or StolenLock replacement cost is $10 payable to the office.  Once the replacement payment is made, show me the receipt and I will provide a new lock.

Heart Rate Monitors
If you are given a heart rate monitor during your class, you will be responsible for the replacement of the heart rate monitor if it is Lost OR StolenWatches are $70 and transmitters are $20

Thank you for helping us make this school year great!

Jon Goodness                                                        Brittany Spencer Grant
(608) 527-2410 ext. 4230                                            (608) 527-2410 ext. 4208                 
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Student Agreement

Please fill in the following information and have both parent/guardian and student sign and return to your physical education teacher with payment (if necessary) by Tuesday, December 11, 2012.


Name of Student____________________________

Circle Physical Education Teacher:                Mr. Goodness             Mrs. Spencer Grant

Circle Current Grade:             12        11        10        9

Circle Term
1          2          3
Circle Hour
1          2          3          4          5          6


By signing below I have read, understand and agree to abide by the rules and grading policies of the Physical Education Department at New Glarus High School.
Student Signature _____________________________        Date___________

Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________   Date___________


We would like to correspond with parents / guardians periodically throughout the trimester.  Please provide an e-mail address and phone number where we can reach you.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Name(s): ____________________________________

Email: ______________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________________

Thank you for helping us make this school year great!

Jon Goodness                                                        Brittany Spencer Grant
(608) 527-2410 ext. 4230                                           (608) 527-2410 ext. 4208               

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